50th Anniversary Online Event
All current and past ASFB members are invited to attend our society’s virtual 50th anniversary celebration event, on the evening of Wednesday the 22nd of September (7–8.30pm AEST).
The first half-hour will involve champagne, cutting of the cake, and a few photos of years gone by. Select colleagues will give brief five-minute accounts of what it was like in our society in the 1970s and through the 80s, 90s and the modern era.
You can dial in via Zoom for these four quick speeches and then engage in a breakout group for a hot chocolate (or a stronger beverage) in the comfort of your own home. It’s a chance to mingle with fish people from across the eras, at a time when we are not supposed to mingle!
Please charge your glasses…
Any questions can be fielded by Ebb (brendan.ebner@jcu.edu.au or 0457 925 768)
Wish to attend? Download the calendar invite!
Join the livestream: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85938063671?pwd=MytBQkREanVqWHpSL0t5MlZxa1dFZz09