The Australian Society For Fish Biology was founded in 1971 with the intention of promoting fish studies and the interchange of information between fish biologists in a relaxed but effective manner. Annual Conferences have been held once every year since the Society's inception. They are now the highlight of the Society's calendar, providing a forum for members around Australia to meet and discuss their work.
Since the first conference conducted by the Society in its own right, at Port Stephens in 1975, succeeding conferences have continued to be conducted most successfully, and in a relatively informal atmosphere despite consistent growth in both attendances and programs.
To enhance its contribution to research, conservation and management of fish and their habitats in Australia, the Society decided to organise and hold workshops on specific topics in conjunction with it's annual conferences. The first such workshop, a two-day event on Australian Threatened Fishes, was held at the Arthur Rylah Institute, Melbourne, immediately prior to the Society's annual conference held in that city in 1985.
In addition to these major workshops, another series of workshops on fish collection management, organised independently by museum-affiliated members but held under the auspices of the Society, was initiated with a one-day program immediately after the 1985 Melbourne conference.
The Society currently publishes a newsletter twice a year, which contains information of interest to the Society membership, including notices and information on Society activities and a bibliography of publications by Society members. The proceedings of Society-held workshops are usually produced separately as special publications, often with the assistance of other government and non-government organisations.
The objectives of the Australian Society for Fish Biology are to promote research, education and management of fish and fisheries in Australasia and to provide a forum for the exchange of information.
To achieve our charter the Australian Society for Fish Biology will:
Define the study of fishes in the broadest sense as work in fields of research, management or learning relating to fishes. These include: biology, ecology, physiology, taxonomy and systematics, genetics, habitats and fisheries (including commercially important invertebrates) in marine, freshwater and estuarine environments.
Promote a friendly, relaxed, egalitarian and welcoming atmosphere for members and those interested in the study of fish.
Encourage participation by all members, particularly students.
Encompass the professional interests of all members.
Promote the profile of fish research to relevant agencies and the wider community.
Provide independent advice and information on relevant issues.
Promote the use of fish research in sustainable natural resource management.
Provide links to other relevant organisations.
Provide access to expertise on fish and fisheries, facilitate professional networks and assist with career development.
Promote discussion and workshops on topics of relevance and interest to enhance excellence in fish studies.
The Australian Society for Fish Biology is a professional, independent, non-profit, non-commercial and non-aligned organisation