Alien Fishes Committee
The Alien Fishes Committee seeks to promote research, management, and community awareness of non-native freshwater and estuarine species in the Australasian region. The Australasian region is taken to encompass Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.
The focus of the committee is on translocated (native), non-native and invasive fish species, decapod crustacea, and the parasites and microorganisms they may carry.
To achieve the charter of the sub-committee, we endeavour to maintain a watching brief on recent research, policy and management changes, and issues relating to alien species, including:
new incursions or establishments of invasive or non-native species;
new translocations of native species;
changes to the range of established species;
changes of governance or implementation of legislation, policies or strategies; and
updated research and progress of ongoing eradication programs.
From 2022, the committee is working toward achieving a better alignment between university, government and industry stakeholders working in invasive fish (and their parasites) research, policy, and management. We aim to pursue cross-jurisdiction collaborations on alien fishes projects, including applications for grant funding for topical/high priority research initiatives.
Mariah Millington
Fathom Freshwater Consulting
Sydney, NSW
Contact details for the Committee Members
Nathan Miles
New South Wales
Culum Brown
New South Wales
Jonah Yick
Rob Freeman
Nick Whiterod
South Australia
Alex Chalupa
South Australia
Brendan Hicks
New Zealand
Nick Ling
New Zealand
Karl Moy
Australian Capital Territory
Mark Lintermans
Australian Capital Territory
Scott Raymond
John Koehn
Mariah Millington
Brendan Ebner
Cindy Palermo
Western Australia
David Morgan
Western Australia